Thursday, February 10, 2005

Question about White Chocolate Bread Pudding

M---- asked:
Is something wrong with the recipe
for White Chocolate Bread Pudding ...the first one
listed on your site? Seems the ingredients are not
proportionate, and I don't want to try it if it is
not correct. Thanks.


Dear M----,

Thank you for your question. That recipe is actually correct in its proportions. It is from a well known restaurant in south Louisiana. You can read about it by going to
Right now a movie starring Jude Law and Sean Penn is being made there. Wow!

They actually use all those egg yolks and it tastes wonderful! I made it before I published it. I fixed it in small pans and froze them. What a coincidence that I thawed one of those little pans today! It's still delicious.

The restaurant makes pies with meringue piled high. I suppose they must save the egg yolks from all that and make bread pudding.

Just before Christmas, I cut the recipe ingredients into fourths and cooked one fourth of it. Instead of using all those egg yolks, I used a whole egg to replace two egg yolks. It was delicious.

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