Friday, November 18, 2016

It's now.

Whatever movie comes out about something in the past at a different place is really about here and now. Whatever novel is written in a historical period is about today.  A reader of Travelers in Painted Wagons on Cohay Creek commented that the book deals with the way underprivileged people were treated a little over a century ago, but it’s actually about the way we treat one another in the current time.

And there are issues discussed that involve true-to-life human conditions. Poverty, domestic abuse, child abuse, drunkenness, prejudice, deceit, adultery, care-taker’s syndrome, neglect, forgiveness—the list goes on and on. The characters in Travelers in  Painted Wagons on Cohay Creek encounter the
challenges of life, unchanged by time and place.
Sarah Walker Gorrell

Although the characters are not anybody that Sarah Walker Gorrell and I know, they are more real than people who lived during the time depicted in the novel. We hope you can find a part of something within yourself as you read our story, and we hope you lay your issues on the table so you can see how other people faced similar problems.

Mary Lou Cheatham
(Mary Cooke)
In addition to helping you see humanity in an objective way, we set out to entertain you by including quirky characters, fun-filled social occasions, and most of all the tension of wondering what will happen next.

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