Saturday, November 18, 2017

Quick Tips to Make Thanksgiving Dinner More Flavorful

Every time  you sit down to your computer or check your cellphone you read some more tips. We all seem to know just how to prepare that traditional turkey dinner and make it the best ever.

From my house to yours: here are our tips.

  1. Invest in disposable gloves to wear when you are handling poultry. 
  2. Lift the skin of the turkey and insert slices of orange. Simply slice the orange all the way through and leave the peeling on. This little hint of fruit flavor will diminish the gamy taste. We learned this tip from the chef in the family.
  3. A simple way to cook turkey is to wash it, pat it dry with strong paper towels that won't tear, and coat it inside and out  with olive oil, lemon juice, and sea salt. Bake it in a covered pan until it reaches the recommended temperature.
  4. Mom, my first mother-in-law, used to say she loved to cook with fresh spices. Every Thanksgiving she went through her cabinet and replaced all the spices required to cook turkey. It's a good time to check the expiration dates. What a wonderful chore for someone who wants to help you cook!
  5. John, my husband of two years, taught me something amazing about spices. Grind them. Mix the spices required in a recipe for dressing or anything else requiring a group of spices.  Use a mortar and pestle or any kind of blender you have. The flavor is much more intense. 
  6. If you've ever lived in south Louisiana, you already know that a tiny bit of cayenne pepper  kicks up the flavor of most foods, including chocolate cake.

Happy cooking!

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