Sunday, October 22, 2017

Bubba, the Firedog, goes out to eat.

Today we ate Sunday lunch with a huge group from church. Next to me was a precious four-year-old boy, who played with his toy but became restless. His grandmother, great grandmother, and great grandmother brought him on the adventure. He sat politely in his chair, but it was taking forever for our food to arrive.

I pulled out my cellphone and went to our new Bubba story, which is downloaded on my Kindle. He looked at the pictures and listened to every word   as we read it.
He paid attention to the telling of the ways the dog got into trouble, and he laughed out loud at the picture of the real Bubba wearing a fire hat.

He told me he didn't have a dog but his parents were planning to get him one soon.

Cellphones are amazing because they can perform all sorts of chores. It was convenient to have a story handy to read. One never knows when such a book could come in handy.

Bubba, the Firedog, on Kindle

(c) 2017 Mary Lou Cheatham and Christie Marie Underwood. All drawings and photos may not be copied and reproduced without written permission.

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