Friday, March 22, 2019

A Bumper Crop--Multiple Book Releases

Writing fiction is exciting, especially exciting now. Bunches of friends have book releases, and some more have contracts for new books. It's like a snowball rolling down a mountain or a tumbleweed gathering circumference as it blows about.
My dear friend Kathy McKinsey has a new book, ALL MY TEARS.
It's being released April 2, 2019. I blogged about it a few days ago.

Now she's blogging about DEEP FROM THE HEART.

The words she wrote in her blog, Kathy's Voice, touched my heart. Here's what she said:

Deep From The Heart by Mary Lou Cheatham

Mary was one of my first critique partners and has stuck with me for five years. She’s patiently given me many helpful suggestions about the writing craft, and she’s honest and gentle when telling me I need to add things which are missing from my stories.

Also, I love reading her work, from historical to contemporary. I appreciate Mary so much and highly recommend you check out all her books.

Here’s what she says about her newest book.

A Dangerous Love

DEEP FROM THE HEART, releasing March 25 by Mary Lou Cheatham, takes us on a journey of romance and suspense.

Ava Molino, a millennial, travels to places where she finds her mission of reaching the hurting and the dying—the troubled souls in a crumbling west Texas town. It’s a romantic thriller about a Methodist minister who leaves the security of pastoring churches near her friends and dear ones in Mississippi to revive a dying church. She also hopes to fall in love.

She rescues others. Who’ll rescue her?

DEEP FROM THE HEART can be pre-ordered in Kindle form now and delivered on March 25. Also close to that time, Southeast Media Productions will release the paperback form. A few days later the recorded version will be available on and for purchase.

Mary Lou Cheatham’s heartfelt sympathy for the downtrodden has served as an inspiration for many of her novels, including The Dream Bucket.

Go to to read more about DEEP FROM THE HEART.

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