Saturday, November 25, 2017

Forty Years Is a Long Time

Forty years is a long time. For Liza, it feels like it happened fifteen minutes ago when she encounters the sexual predator. He had the audacity to show up and comfort her family during a day of grief forty years after he...with all his compassion for them, how could he forget what he did to her when she was a young teenager? She suspects he has moved in on so many young girls he can't remember whether she was on his list. She has to know!

Forty years is a  long time, but it has lasted an eternity. What her pastor communicated to her within a couple of minutes was that he was a despicable human being.  She has lived with moment after moment--day after day of waking up to remember the morning of the attempted attack. She learned that she was merely a thing, a girl not worth much.

Liza Yates Too

She's glad she's lived sixty more years and heard the phrase,
ME TOO. Now she can speak up without feeling guilty, even though she was the one who received the offense. Now she can begin to turn around and face the world about this issue. She feels the support of  the outraged.

Liza Yates Too

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