Monday, November 13, 2017

Featuring Author Lyn Morgan, who sometimes lives in Shreveport

As a human being and an author,  Lyn Morgan is an inspiration. She's a person to follow and emulate.Thanks to Lyn for this interview. 

How old were you when you decided to be a writer?

 I was 12 when I submitted something I had written for the first time. It was to a children’s magazine. I was 26 before I ever had something I wrote accepted. I suppose you could say I decided to be a writer when I was 12.

What other talents besides writing do you have?

Okay, other talents include singing and playing keyboard instruments.

What other careers have you had?

 I was a bookkeeper for an agricultural fertilizer company. I was a bookkeeper/secretary for a Baptist church. I was a working musician for years. Teaching piano, organ and voice while also serving as an organist, or pianist or choir director. This lasted for 50 years.

Lyn, when did you write your first book?

I started my first book in November of 1994 and finished it in 1995.

What was it about?

This book was a romantic suspense with some paranormal undertones. Set in Hot Springs, Arkansas, FOR THE WEEKEND, had a young widowed mother for its heroine. In a happy-ever-after ending, Cassie, the young widow, finds love again with a handsome hotel owner, Jeb. Originally published by Zumaya Publications in 2001, it has found a new life in print after I got my rights back and is now out as THE BEST HOTELROYALE.

What genres have you written in?

Romantic suspense, true crime, historical romance.

What is your favorite of all the books you have written?

LOVE IS A VERB, which is the historical romance loosely based on my own grandmother’s life.

What is your most successful book and what is it about?

 STONE JUSTICE has been my most successful book. I wrote it with my critique and writing partner, Debi Collier. Stone Justice is a true crime and it is based on the short life of Annie B McQuiston who was also known at Toni Jo

Tell us all about collaborating with Debi.

Writing with my friend, Debi, has been challenging and exasperating and fun and inspiring. We have locked horns over things we did not agree on. I have had headaches trying to follow her psychological mind. She has a degree in psychology. I do not and oh my goodness, struggle to keep up with her at times. We’ve gotten lost tons of times while on research trips. It has been a wonderful partnership of over 20 years.

You travel quite a bit. How difficult is it to write in different places, or is it fun to be inspired by a change of scenery?

I find it easier to write away from home these days. While at my children’s houses, I am much more free to spend time writing because I don’t have to cook or clean or shop - unless I want to. I also do often find great inspiration by sights and sounds in other places.

Please tell us about your pen names so we can find your work.

 I write under my own “real” name of Evelyn L. Morgan. I call it my “real” name because I have always been called Lyn and seldom ever Evelyn. I also use Lyn Lawrence as my nom de plume.

What projects are you working on now?

I am working on the second book I ever wrote which is MAGNOLIA HOUSE. It was originally published by Amber Quill Press in 2001. I got the rights to it back when that publisher went out of business in March 2016.

Have you gone to any book signings lately?

I was at a book signing at Mooringsport branch of the Shreve Memorial Library in September along with another author, CN Pinkard. 

NOTE: It's always fun to talk to Lyn and hear what she's been doing. She's in constant motions. This interview is primarily about her books, which are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form.
She is also involved in making videos, such as SKOOKUM: THE HUNT FOR BIGFOOT.

Visit her Author Page on Amazon, where she uses the name Lyn  Lawrence.


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