Saturday, August 26, 2017

Nicky Blakeney, Gourd Artist, 3

Note: Throughout this blog entry pictures of twisted handle baskets are shown.

What do you want to do with gourds, in the future, that you haven’t done before?

I want to finish my first Gourd Luminary first. I hope to learn to make Thunder drums. And I will take time to learn to carve gourds well. I hope! After those things.  The things I want to learn just pile up in my mind.

Is there anything other than the pleasure you get from decorating gourds that keeps you working at it?  

Yes, I don’t often talk about it, though most people that know me know about it. I have Parkinson’s disease. So decorating gourds is my therapy as well as my pleasure. My Dr. tells me that decorating gourds helps keep my mind alive.  I must say here my Awesome GOD has been so good to me. Though I can’t do many of the things I have done before I can still get up in the morning, I can still talk, with good sense, most of the time!  I know my children, Grandchildren and my great grandchildren and I know he walks with me everyday

Now back to the Mississippi Gourd Festival, tell us what we need to know If we want to go to the festival.

The Festival is always the third weekend of September This year on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th. We set up on Thursday. There are “early bird” classes on Thursday Afternoon. The doors are only open for those taking classes at that time. Classes are listed at mississippigourd see festival 2017/

The doors officially open Friday at 8 AM   and will be open until 5 PM. And on Saturday 8 AM until 5 PM.

If there are classes with fewer students than planned for you may sign up for that class at the festival. You must be there when the class starts.

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