Monday, March 11, 2019

Kathy McKinsey's New Book Release

Kathy is a dear friend and critique partner. We've never met in person, but we know each other well. Her writing has inspired me for years. I've watched her grow
as a writer. I don't think it is possible for Kathy to grow as a person, because she has lived the life of a mature, happy, joyful, Christian woman as long as I've known her. She radiates a kind of beauty that amazes me.

All My Tears

It's time to pre-order it on Amazon in Kindle form. Here's the link:  All My Tears

Here's the release she sent me for this blog:

ALL MY TEARS, releasing April 2, is a collection of five novellas about women fighting battles within themselves. Fear; addiction; regret; anger at God and other people; anger at ourselves; inability to accept forgiveness; loneliness; depression.

All of us have faced some of these, or other enemies, inside ourselves. The main characters in my book are people like any of us, fighting these villains in ordinary daily life.

What I hope to show through these real-life battles is the true hope and grace from God we can find to be healed.

Meet women whom I pray you will like and who may remind you of yourself or people you know. Share their stories with their friends and families, through struggle and joy, fun and stress, falling and getting up again.

The stories in my book are not autobiographical. However, I have dealt with depression for many years. I know what it means to not believe God can forgive me. I have faced the struggles to keep a marriage and a family going strong. And I know how God’s grace can fight, and win, these battles.

Psalm 56:8: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

And here's a link to her blog: Kathy's Voice

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