Friday, April 28, 2006

LSU AgCenter . Vegetables for South Louisiana Series

LSU AgCenter . Vegetables for South Louisiana Series: "Collards

Recommended Varieties
Morris Heading, Vates, Georgia (Creole), Champion
Cultural Practices
Planting Dates

March 15 to October 1
Seed to Plant -- 1 packet (100 ft row)
Planting Practices

Plant 1/8 inch deep, for plants 6 to 12 inches apart


5 to 6 lbs 8-8-8 or 8-24-24 (100 ft row). Side dress with 1/4 to 3/4 lb nitrogen 3 to 4 weeks after planting and again in 2 to 3 weeks. Side dressing after the first harvest will help the plant produce a second crop in 3 to 4 weeks


Days to harvest -- 75
Collard greens are harvested by cutting the tops out of the plants. However, any of the leaves may be harvested
Insect and Disease Control
Aphids -- Malathion (57%EC) 2 tsp/gal water, 7 days before harvest
Caterpillars -- B.t. (Thuricide, etc) according to label. Use weekly with wetting agent in spray
Plant some collards (6 to 10 plants) each month during the growing season to provide a continuing source of tender greens"

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